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The bedroom

Besides the problems in the bedroom related to dust mites, there are other problems that can arise in the bedroom that can provoke allergic reactions. The following is a list of suggestions on how to avoid allergy problems in the bedroom:
  • Old mattresses and pillows should be replaced with new products. Used ones are usually contaminated with dust mites.
  • Wash all sheets, pillow cases, quilts, comforters and mattress pads weekly in very hot water. Dry thoroughly before using.
  • Cover all mattresses, pillows and anything else not washed regularly in dust mite-proof encasings.
  • Avoid stuffed animals or extra throw pillows on the bed.
  • Avoid excessive moisture in the bedroom. Check the humidity with a relative humidity meter (hygrometer), keeping it below 45. Adjust bedding to avoid excessive sweating.
  • Avoid plants and fish tanks in the bedroom.
  • Pets should not lie on your bed.
  • Clean your closets regularly. Make sure the closets have good ventilation and do not smell of mold or mildew.
  • Wash or dry clean clothing frequently. Infrequently used clothes can be tumbled in a warm or hot dryer from time to time.
  • Service any air conditioner so it is not a source of mold, bacteria, or dust mite contamination.
  • Avoid scents, perfumes, pesticides, strong odors, or other irritants. Avoid using fabric softeners or fragrances in detergents. If wash has too strong a laundry odor, double rinse.
  • Treat the home for cockroaches if present.
  • Remove animals from the home or at least the bedroom.
  • Use a HEPA filter air cleaner in frequently occupied rooms like the bedroom.

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