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What are the sinuses and how do they work?

The purpose of the sinus cavities is not completely known. Some theories include:
  • Add to the quality of the voice by acting as sound chambers
  • Humidify and warm air for the lungs
  • Increase exposure of smell receptors located in the top surface of the nose
  • Absorb any shock from injury to the head
  • Secrete mucus to moisten the nose and bacteria destroying proteins to cleanse the nose
  • Provide immunity with antibodies
  • Help facial growth
  • Lighten the bones of the skull
The sinuses consist of 4 paired air filled chambers hollowed out in the skull and connected to the nose by small openings called ostia. The sinus cavities are named by their location: maxillary, ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid sinuses.

This section explains the anatomy of the sinuses and the mechanism by which the sinuses work.

Nasal Turbinates
Respiratory Mucous Membrane
Mucociliary Clearance

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