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Although treatment will not reverse permanent lung damage that has already occurred, it can slow down or stop further damage, offer relief from symptoms, increase the quality of life and increase the duration of your life span.

Treatment includes:
  • Smoking cessation - This is the only way to stop the relentless progress of COPD
  • Bronchodilators (albuterol, Serevent® Diskus®, Foradil® Aerolizer®, Maxair™ Autohaler™, nebulized solutions - AccuNeb®, Xopenex®, etc.)
  • Anticholinergic medications (ipratropium bromide - Atrovent®, Combivent®; tiotropium bromide - Spiriva® HandiHaler®)
  • Inhaled and oral corticosteroids alone or combined with bronchodilators (Advair Diskus®, Pulmicort Turbuhaler® and Respules®, QVAR®, prednisone, etc.)
  • Theophyllines (Uniphyl®, Theo-24®, aminophylline)
  • Antibiotics (when infection is present)
  • Oxygen - continuous and on demand (if required)
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation (reconditioning)
  • Surgery - lung reduction surgery/transplantation
Aside from relieving symptoms, you can affect the natural history of your disease by beginning treatment early. The earlier COPD is diagnosed and treated, the better the chance you have of limiting permanent lung damage and the natural progression of the disease. The goal is to help you better manage the effects of your disease and to live as fully and actively as possible.

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