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Asthma Medications and Side Effects

While taking medication, you may develop new symptoms which may or may not be related to one of your medications. In general, reactions to medications fit within one of the following categories:

Pharmacological side effect
Most medications have more than one effect on the body. Although the main effect of the medication is used for treatment, other minor effects can lead to specific reactions. Learn about the common side effects of each of your medications before you begin taking them.

Increased sensitivity
You could be highly sensitive to certain classes of medication and therefore have a heightened response to the normal pharmacological action of these medications. You may need to sharply reduce your dose or use another class of medication.

Allergic reaction
You may develop an allergic reaction to medications. This reaction has nothing to do with the pharmacology (action) of the drug, but rather symptoms result from your unique immunological response to the medication. Usually you need to avoid all medications that are structurally similar. In rare instances, when no alternative is available, you may be desensitized.

You may have an underlying medical problem or unique metabolism. For example, if you have a gastric ulcer, you may have major problems taking an oral corticosteroid since this medication may worsen your underlying ulcer disease. Antihistamines and decongestants may inhibit urination if you have an enlarged prostate. In each of these instances, your underlying medical problem or unique metabolism is related to the drug reaction.

Drug interaction
You may have a side effect when two medications are taken at the same time and one of these medications affects the action or metabolism of the other.

A Balancing Act

If you have chronic asthma, you probably will need to take medication for a long time. Balancing the potential negative effects of the disease versus the potential side effects of the medication will require repeated evaluation of your condition, understanding of the disease process and indepth knowledge of the actions and potential side effects of the medication prescribed. The physician's task is to recommend the least risky medication which will be effective in controlling and/or preventing asthma symptoms. Because you are unique, it is not possible to accurately know in advance your precise benefits or exact risk of side effects of a medication. Further the short and long term risks of asthma are often underestimated if you are undertreated. Therefore your physician needs to weigh the pros and cons regarding medications every time you are evaluated and make thoughtful adjustments to achieve your optimum treatment.

If you start a new medication and then experience any unexpected symptoms, call the prescribing doctor to discuss the possibility of a side effect.

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